Now, I download ITunes from my PC to my IPhone but need to convert these MP4 files to MP3 files and save them to my USB to play on my kitchen T-Hub enabling me to listen to my music whilst cooking in my kitchen (deep breath and…); I use a PC and a USB along with my internet to communicate with other humans; I have to remember to push the HDD or DVD button when using the DVD player and own three (TV/DVD/Foxtel) controls; I download personal photos and send them all over the world; listen to audiobooks on my IPhone; I say hi to my friends via Facebook and invite them for a coffee via Facebook too; I use a GPS navigation system in my car; I text or email my children and hubby if I can’t get hold of them on their mobile phones; I download recipes from the internet and seldom use my very expensive and very loved recipe books purchased with my hard earned money over many years; I use Google as my dictionary instead of my printed Oxford Concise; I sell any unwanted ‘stuff’ on EBay to anyone all over the world and write this blog and send it through the internet and have readers all over Australia, Alaska, USA as well as Europe which blows my mind and makes me smile all at the same time (hi to you all) and I know this because I can check my stats on my blog and it tells me this information. This is just AMAZING!!!!!!!!! I could go on and on and on but won’t for the time being (another deep breath). This is the world I live in now, Cyber world, oh and so do you.
I guess if my parents had told me in my younger years way back then that this is where we were heading I would have told them to get a grip on reality! Now I say to my two teenagers I have no idea where we are heading so just hold on and enjoy the ride girls!
You can find potential parents for your future children via dating websites without having to cruise bars and restaurants like the good ol’ days; buy food, alcohol and indeed houses without getting out of your chair not to mention book international flights, accommodation in oh let’s say Edinburgh, Scotland (guilty as charged) and order what I want to eat for breakfast there at the same time. My head spins whilst at the same time enjoy the fact I can do this all on my own without using the ‘middle man.’
The downside and let’s face it there has to be a downside to all of this and that is as the media has already advised us, welcoming complete strangers into your life as some have via social networks such as Facebook can have tragic results. This brings to mind the event the media brought to our attention of the young Australian lady who met up with a stranger who had befriended her on her Facebook only to fall into his deathly hands and lose her life. This makes me shudder.
As well, we have had the recent circumstances of emails arriving from Nigeria asking for your back details and wanting to deposit monies into your account, declaring that “you” have been chosen to be the recipient of large amounts of monies and if you send them your bank details………are you serious? Or that there is some sad little man somewhere in the world who wants you to save his life of misery if you send him X amount to the account he requests. Danger Will Robinson, Danger!
So as wonderful as our new Cyber world may appear at times, there, lurking around a corner, is a world of underhanded, criminal behaviour luring the unsuspecting into their webs of destruction and heartache which sadly many out there have experienced. You can never be too suspicious and trust me I am, in fact my motto is often ‘trust no man’ when it comes to the internet or for that matter any situation I may be in where I am receiving negative vibes. My youngest is also watched very closely when utilising her computer, as the media and schools constantly advise parents to do, and this I do vigilantly.
On the lighter side, buying perfume as cheaply as possible on the ‘net’ without leaving the house is, as any woman would admit, a fabulous and exciting event and it is these positive outcomes which I like to focus on in this new and ever advancing cyber world of ours. Oh and the time when I found a lipstick that I thought was no longer available, it arrived from USA to huge excitement and which I treasure very much. Not to mention sending my handmade greeting cards to, well, anyone anywhere in the world willing to pay me for my creations….and oh how this makes my heart sing.
Clearly there are ups and downs of this ever growing Cyber world and I for one have both embraced it and also question much which I think is essential.
Now, I am off to check out the best price on……now what was it…….oh never mind, I’ll just do some cyber surfing and I am sure it will come to me eventually.
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