Welcome to my blog.....

I guess I can say that I have spent a lot of time telling many friends and family members about my life's happenings via the internet. This is due to the fact that I have many friends and family who live all over Australia and indeed all over the world and the time differences makes email easier than phonecalls.

Feedback from a variety of these have included words of encouragement like "maybe you should write a book" not because my life is full of dramas, well not too many anyway, more so that my style of writing is an enjoyable read, so they tell me anyway. A book would be nice at some time however short stories appeal to me more at the moment and hence the creation of Blogtastical Banter.

I hope you enjoy my views on my life's situations and also situations which interest me, so sit back, relax and enjoy my ride.

Follow me on Twitter @couturechicness
My wares can be purchased at www.etsy.com/shop/CreativelyCouture

Friday, January 6, 2012

Book 'em Danno!

Never minding a bit of a verbal challenge and usually quick with my rebuttals, I am about to create some upset to a large number of the community and all I can say is "tell someone who cares people!" Cyclists....mmmmmm......yep you can feel the tension rising can't you?

The bicycle: also known as a bike, push bike or cycle, introduced in the 19th century, there are now about a billion worldwide, twice the number of automobiles. They are the principle means of transport in many regions, they provide a popular form of recreation, children's toys, fitness, transportation for military and police, courier services and bicycle racing. That's right, bike racing.

If you Google bicycle racing, one discovers that there are various forms of this sport such as road races, track cycling, mountain bike racing, cyclo-cross (that's a new one to me) etc etc, which are performed in a controlled environment in a designated area etc etc. Well, that is reassuring and if someone wouldn't mind letting our local cyclists know that riding on our city streets last time I checked, does not mean that you are all in the running for the Tour de France yellow jacket, not on my watch anyway!

I have watched the increase of road cyclists over the years and the increased testosterone flowing from so many of them. I know of a friend who had an incident with a female cyclist, watching the cyclist land on a friend's car bonnet, not knowing where the cyclist had even come from (wait for it......the cyclist was coming through changing traffic lights around a corner and thought she would make it in time! Thank goodness life was not lost) and who quite frankly is still in shock from the incident. Keeping fit in our ever- increasing technological world of "sit down in front of the PC, TV etc etc for hours on end and help increase our cholesterol levels and weight, whilst working on that spreadsheet/latest video game which I must conquer before the guys at work beat my score" is a good thing. No it's a great thing.

I admit to having purchased one of the same metal-framed modes of transportation myself and then sold it not too long after, having feared for my life whilst cycling through the suburbs while semi-trailers rush by, causing me to nearly ride into trees whilst trying to control my bike due to the wind force of these huge mechanical masses. This is something I have seen repeatedly as these crazy cyclists (yep I am using that word and I don't care) try and defy the laws of physics whilst cycling next to modes of transport 100x their size and weight. If you are that crazy (yep, again) then so be it and so be the consequences my friends and my goodness aren't there many of those. I feel sorry for the ambulance men who are eternally being called out to bicycle/traffic crashes. I know this because I have seen many.

You see the last time I checked, we have had a plethora of bike tracks created, worth millions and millions of tax payer dollars, yet so many of these crazy (yep, I am enjoying this) and selfish cyclists (and yes I know that many of you are good little cyclists who do the right thing and thank you) seem to give the appearance that it is their God-given right to cause chaos on the roads and I thought the roads were created for automobiles etc long before the cyclists donned their testosterone-driven lycra-clad bodies and seemed to take the roads as their own! Oh and God help you if you get in their way as the testosterone drains out of their sweat-soaked bodies because interestingly, just because we pedestrians/car drivers werent born with eyes in the back of our heads and amazingly can't see them approaching from behind, is absolutely no excuse people!

I for one am hoping that bike registration, just like cars, motorbikes etc must, will become compulsory and I do know there has been talk about it which is a positive sign. Recently, a spokesman for some cyclist association was against this idea. I can't think why (I write with much sarcasm intended!?) My keenness for this registration to come to fruition is due to the fact that if I had a dollar for each time I saw a cyclist ride through a red traffic light, or not stop at a stop sign, I would be driving a Lamborghini which I would have paid cash for and I would be rivalling Warren Buffet's fortune! How more cyclists aren't killed on the road for this arrogant and reckless behaviour amazes me but then how do I know the numbers aren't through the roof, and maybe the media are not permitted to advise us of such catastrophic events?

These bikes need to be registered so that the offenders, and goodness knows there are many of you out there, can be booked and charged accordingly. If we as drivers have to adhere to the road rules, why in heaven's name don't these maverick cyclists have to comply too? Watching the lack of respect for the local traffic rules in my area nearly every day, I am thinking that half of these characters would lose their rego in a very short period of time as they cycle through those red lights......good grief, I just saw someone do it just now! Book 'em Danno"

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